Monday, March 17, 2008

Return from the Jungle/Beginning of Goodbyes

Hello one and all, as always, I beg pardon for the delay in blogs, I think I´m losing my blogging-steam.

Much new to report from this end of the world. First, the mission to Tena with the FUS students was awesome and grace-filled, thanks to all of you who brought so much zeal and love for missions, it was great to see you all. Second, it´s official, my mission compañera of six months has left. Mariya has returned home to study for the MCAT as she feels called to apply to med school. It was a very sad goodbye and we still miss her very much, I am not looking forward to telling the children (who are now returning from vacations) that their beloved nurse has been lead off by the Lord down another road. Pues, hagase tu voluntad Señor (be it done according to your will Lord).

Next, my news. I have been recently accepted to the grad programs at both Georgia State and Kennesaw State Universities. I am planning on entering the program at KSU and am excited about this new adventure. The sad news is that, while I thought I would be beginning much later, I actually have to be back April 23rd for orientation and then classes May 12th. It is bittersweet. I am excited for grad school but am heartbroken to be leaving this base that has become my home and these misioñeras who have become my family. I am blessed to have at least one more month with them and that time to wrap up some of my projects here. Please pray that I am able to find enough joy to enjoy these last few weeks at the most beautiful place I have yet to encounter on this earth.

We are off tomorrow to Cuenca to investigate a foundation that can potentially care for one of our babies, Jamil, who has cerebral palsy. It is a foundation that specializes in children like Jamil and can provide the therapy and education that he deserves. I am also in the middle of the investigatory phase for a new program for local young widows with small children. Mamita Isabel has seen a great need in this regard in the area, as once the husband dies they are often left with no income and few skills/opportunities, and so we are hoping to educate them and provide them with some skills to learn how to support themselves and their families. So, the next few weeks will be busy ones and hopefully blessed.

That is about all that I have for now, not feeling all that inspirational or deep at the moment. Perhaps after this last week of spiritual ¨dying¨ my blogging motivation will be resurrected with the Lord, haha. A prayerful holy week to all and a very blessed Easter, more later, as always, from the flipside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mi querida companera...te amo. Te extrano tantisimo pero me alegre que estas alla amando los ninos y la gente ecuatoriana. Que vivimos abandonadas a Su voluntad perfecta. Te amooooooooooooooooooooo...translation, I love you so so so so much. Hee. Really. Paz y bendiciones.