Monday, February 18, 2008

¡Perdoname! (forgive me)

Please accept my apologies, I was shocked when I finally logged in and it showed that my last post was Jan. 22. Wow. So much for the New Year´s resolution for better communication!

Well, the best excuse for my long absence is that we have been quite busy and on the move. There was much to do organizing after the kids left for vacaction, endless visits to see how the ones who were with their families were doing and then plenty of time to practice my spanish writing skills as I faithfully documented the updates and visits that we had done (My professor Dr. Gilham would be proud that one of my biggest roles here is enforcing documentation, haha). All of this was crammed in the last weeks of January because Feb. 6th we departed for Quito to welcome our newest missionary, Sara Ogrodnick, RN. We then spent a week with her in Quito, getting her settled and we were going to go back to Tena to do the final planning for the March mission but plans fell through and so we had a few more days with Sara and the wonderful Arroyo family. In fact, on Valentines day, we went to the Arroyo´s rose farm, an amazing experience and of course, we came home with roses. It was a wonderful suprise/treat as we didn´t think we would be there to do it - even far from home and without boyfriends, the Lord found a way to romance our hearts on the day of lovers.

I am afraid I don´t have much time this evening to share anything more of the little blessings and funny stories of the last few weeks, I really just wanted to let everyone know that I was still alive. I cannot make a promise of more frequent updates in the next few weeks as starting Wednesday, Mariya and I will become ¨moms¨ to the remaining children so that the house moms can go on vacation. We will be with the little ones for a week and then it´s off to the jungle with the March medical mission from FUS. I hope that in between it all I will be able to post again but if not, I promise a big exciting post for when we get back.

I do have new pictures up on the shutterfly website, check them out, hope you enjoy.

As always, I send my love and I pray that everyone enjoys a blessed Lent.